Flower Focus by Growth Technology – 1 Litre


If your plants aren’t blooming as expected, try using Flower Focus by Growth Technology. This specialised bloom fertiliser is designed to promote vibrant and plentiful flowers. It’s ideal for all flowering plants, such as Hoya, Begonia, Peace Lilies, Anthurium, African Violets, and Cyclamen.

Flower Focus by Growth Technology features 12 essential minerals in a liquid concentrate, formulated to boost flower growth. Here’s what you can look forward to when using it:

Faster growth and development.

Increased root development and strength.

Profuse vegetative growth.

Bigger, brighter flowers and prized winning blooms.

Greater resistance to disease.

Increased tolerance to environmental stress.

Also available in a 250ml size.

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GT is a cult favourite with our Australian plant buddies (for good reason). This food is hard to beat. Here’s why…

6 Reasons Why You Need to use Growth Technology

Growth Technology is known in the industry as GT. These are the clever chaps behind world-famous Clonex Rooting Gel. GT specialises in meeting the very high standards of commercial growers (which is where GT started themselves), so they know their stuff. Lucky for us indoor plant hobbyists, GT has created a specialist range for indoor plants.

Using Flower Focus will ensure your flowering plants get what they need and you will be rewarded with longer flower and prolific blooms.

Here are 6 top reasons your plants will be feeling lucky when you choose GT.

#1 Calcium

Calcium is essential, yet most fertilisers don’t include it. Do you go without and risk a deficiency? or supplement separately and cross your fingers you don’t overdose? Cracked, split or curling leaves. Slow, stunted or deformed growth. Buds that fall off before plants flower… all common signs of a calcium deficiency.

Unlike many other essential nutrients (which plants can shift from old to new growth when there’s a deficiency), calcium is not a mobile nutrient. If there’s a deficiency when new growth forms, the damage is done. That new growth may never reach its potential, staying small, cracked, split or deformed, or rot and die early.

With Growth Technology you get everything indoor plants need, one step and done. No guesswork with dolomite or human foods that attract Fungus Gnats or rot. Save your pennies for your plants. No extra supplements are needed. No risk of getting the levels wrong either (as too much calcium can turn soil pH toxic).

#2 No urea or clorides

Common in most fertilisers. Not in GT. Boost growth without harming soil or plant health. Outdoors, excess mineral salts can leach away from precious roots. Indoors? Plants can’t escape. Complete Focus uses urea-free nitrogen and chloride-free potassium to give plants the critical nutrients they need, while reducing the risk of fertiliser burn.

#3  Complete

Most fertilisers list NPK only. Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). Far from all the nutrients a plant needs, yet enough for food to claim to be ‘complete’. Check the label. GT is different. Not just 3, but all 12 essential nutrients. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur, iron, manganese, boron, zinc, copper and molybdenum.

#4 Balanced

All formulas are both complete and balanced, with all 12 essential nutrients in the right ratio to balance the needs of both foliage and flowering indoor plants.

#5 pH buffered

Many of our favourite indoor plants come from warm, humid habitats where soil pH is naturally more acidic. Soil pH matters. Too acidic and some nutrients become toxic while others like calcium get ‘locked up’ in the soil. Too alkaline and critical nutrients like phosphorus become unavailable. Complete Focus is pH buffered to 6 once diluted, slightly acidic, right where tropical-loving indoor plants prefer, and where nutrients become ideally available, helping avoid both deficiencies and toxic levels.

#6 Chelated minerals

Pronounced ‘key-lay-ted’ (think of a key unlocking a door). Chelating minerals ‘unlocks’ the 5 essential metal nutrients: iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc and copper. Metal nutrients can react in soil, locking them up in  a solid form plants can’t use. Chelation adds organic molecules to protect these precious metals, keeping them unlocked, water-soluble and available to your plants. All metal nutrients in Flower Focus are chelated.

Flower Focus Growth Technology

Directions for Use

Every Growth Technology order comes with one FREE 3ml pipette per order to make the right dose easy. Extra pipettes can be ordered here.

How much Flower Focus do you need?

Choose the dose to match your plant’s needs:

Hydro 5-7 mls per 1 litre of water
Soil 3-5 mls per 1 litre of water

For fast growing plants you could use 10 mls per 1 litre of water.

When to use Flower Focus?

When your plant is not flowering use GT Foliage Focus. Once the first buds appear switch to Flower Focus.

For orchids we recommend using Orchid Bloom and Orchid Grow fertiliser.

How often should you use Flower Focus?

Use at each watering, flushing out the plant once a month. Generally start with a lower dose and gradually increase the dose as your plant matures. Keep an eye on the plants growth and adjust the dosage accordingly.

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